
Adored Beast Owies & Oopsies Topical Spray

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Ingredients: Green Tea, Hypericum, Hydrastis, Calendula, Equisetum, Witch Hazel 

Dispensed by: Pump Spray

For use in Dogs and Cats





Therapeutic Effects



Marigold, Calendula

  • known as the greatest healing agent
  • a first aid go to for abrasions, injuries

Green Tea


Camellia sinensis

  • rich in antioxidants
  • Polyphenols, which are a class of bioflavinoids, have been shown to have antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties
  • Catechins, which are antioxidants by nature, have also been shown to function as anti-inflammatory and anticancer agents


Hypericum perforatum


St Johns Wort

  • Improves tissue regeneration in wounds
  • used to tone and restore the health of the nerves

Hydrastis canadensis



  • deals with local inflammation
  • treats skin conditions such as eczema, ringworm
  • used on wounds and sores
  • antibacterial

Equisetum arvense



  • used on burns, wounds and sores
  • anti-inflammatory
  • stabilizes scar tissue

Witch Hazel


Hamamelis virginiana

  • naturally reduces acne, insect bites, blisters
  • used for inflammation
  • antioxidant
  • astringent


Please note:


Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian. 


Keep out of reach of children and animals for which this product is not intended. 




Suggested Use:


Can be used on insect bites, hot spots, burns, wounds, skin abrasions. Do not spray directly in eyes or mouth. Can soothe itch and promote healthy skin. 


Spray on affected area 2-3 times per day. Try to avoid having your pet lick the topical off before it gets a chance to soak in. 


In chronic cases where symptoms do not begin to improve within 10 days, it is best to consult your veterinarian. 






Julie Anne has been using this combination of ingredients for close to 2 decades for clients in her holistic clinics with tremendous success. The ingredients are soothing and effective for promoting healing of various skin and wound abrasions.